Brian Chard, a freelance designer living in Nelson, BC, Canada, has recently launched his digital signage portfolio. The porfolio showcases Brian Chard's digital signage content creation and advertising design. Brian Chard offers high-end graphic design and motion design for the Internet and digital signage industry.
After time spent sub-contracting as the Art Director at Video Billboard Media Arts Corporation, Brian Chard realized there is currently a void in the rapidly expanding digital signage industry. With the recent focus on technology developments such as less expensive, higher-quality display systems and digital signage software solutions, there has been less of a focus on the creative content development side of the equation.
While many digital signage network providers offer capable digital signage networks, they generally only offer template style content design or amateurish unpolished graphic design. This often leaves the end-client with out-dated design templates and an ineffective network.
Brian Chard creates content compatible with most major networks and digital signage software solutions. Brian has designed digital signage for clients in many industries including Real Estate, Retail, Hospitality, Architecture, and Technology. Brian Chard's home-base is located in beautiful Nelson, BC in Western Canada, midway between Vancouver, BC and Calgary, Alberta.
Brian Chard Design offers professional digital signage design services for both end-clients, agencies, and network providers themselves. Brian Chard is a versatile designer and can serve up content in many formats including Flash, QuickTime, animated GIF, and JPEG formats. Further, he can customize the content for other applications such as use on a website, as a podcast, a tv advertisement, a company presentation, or a print ad.
Are you a digital signage network provider? Brian Chard Design is actively seeking strategic partnerships with digital signage network providers. Contact Brian Chard for more information.